The tools work in the garden

Work of caring for the garden there are many kinds, all the tools necessary work 
  • Grass cutting tool of the work required, there is a pair of scissors cut the maual, no brush cut, there is a green mower etc.
  • To cut the branches and leaves of plants, necessary pruning shears, sickles, machetes
  • To cut the branch, or tree, necessary working tools such as saws, chain Shew
  • Clean stepping stone, paving blocks, use tools such as brushes, etc.
  • Watering the plants in the garden, use a hose which is connected with the installation of water
  • In order to evenly sprinkle water the grass plants used
  • Required trash trash bags to wrap the dry leaves of plants from the garden area
Once the equipment is known parks, which need to be considered is the gardener who can operate the equipment properly and correctly in the application to use

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