Choose of the lawn mower

One type of work caring for the park is mowing the lawn, so that the garden still looks neat and nice, need treatment or maintenance gardening
gardener mowing the lawn needs cutting machine tool of a good and tough
Here are the features of a good lawn mower quality
  • refined engine sound
  • smooth vibrating
  • no excess smoke combustion
  • easy to operate
  • not wasteful of fuel
  • does not require a large electric power
  • has a sharp blade and easy on the loading tide

salah satu jenis pekerjaan perawatan taman adalah memotong rumput, agar supaya taman tetap terlihat rapi dan bagus
tukang kebun memotong rumput memerlukan alat bantu berupa mesin potong rumput yang baik dan tangguh
Berikut adalah ciri mesin potong rumput yang baik kualitasnya, mesin bisa berupa green mower atau brush cut
1. suara mesin halus
2. bergetar halus
3. tidak mengeluarkan asap pembakaran berlebih
4. mudah dioperasikan
5. tidak boros bahan bakar
6. tidak memerlukan daya listrik yang besar
7. memiliki mata pisau yang tajam dan mudah di bongkar pasang


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  2. Agree, Can i sell this product in Indonesia, Tks

  3. It was used to be hard while i pick up a lawn mover, but this article may help me to pick up a good one....Thanks

  4. I totally agree with the tips and features listed down above.....thanks !!!!
